Monday 29 July 2013

Keeping An Eye On Your Practice's Finances

In order to overlook all aspects of your law firm, you will need a software that can automatically do this. Here are the list of things software like this would be able to accomplish.

You are an attorney not an accountant, and yet if you don't pay attention to where the money goes then your state's bar association may not let you be an attorney for long. Today's law practices use attorney time and billing software such as Easy TimeBill to maintain a 360-degree view of the firm's finances, maximize profits and minimize liability.

  • Finances At A Glance - Generic business software breaks down expenses by account; billing software for lawyers breaks down expenses by matters within an account. See the difference between the billing for a client's divorce case and the same client's will rewrite. Review which expenses haven't been billed, have been billed but not paid, or have been paid in full.
  • Retainer Management - Automatic reminders let you know when a retainer balance gets low. You have plenty of time to request additional funds from the client before the well goes dry. Expenses are automatically taken from retainer funds, and retainer balances are included on invoices that go to the client.
  • Automatic Past Due Notices - Too many law firms treat bookkeeping as an afterthought, letting client accounts languish for months rather than aggressively pursuing collection. Studies show that gentle but firm prompting greatly increases collection rates. Automatic reminder notices can be generated and sent through email to encourage clients to keep their accounts current.
  • Electronic Billing - Move away from the expense and disorganization of paper billing. In addition to billing by email, legal billing and accounting software can generate electronic bills in standard LEDES98B format.
  • Trust Account Integration - Most law firms handle some kind of trust funds. If your practice is one of those firms then you need a trust accounting solution that integrates with your billing software. The Easy Trust module for Easy TimeBill allows both programs to work seamlessly with each other.
  • Paperless Paper Trail - The legal profession takes financial ethics violations very seriously, to the point that attorneys are often considered guilty until proven innocent. Lawyer billing software automatically generates a record of all transactions so you are ready for your next audit.

Whether you are a small office that can't afford a separate bookkeeper, or a large firm with a large financial staff, software is essential to account management. Try any of Easy Soft's legal practice management software risk-free for 30 days. If at the end of this period you are unhappy with the product for any reason, we will gladly refund your purchase price.